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About Jeremiah
"When Jeremiah came to us, we weren't sure whether he was going to live. Sometimes this happens and we have to remind ourselves that our job is to provide the best care and as much love, no matter the prognosis. Jeremiah was brought to us from a Humane Officer on a cold winter night in February 2014. When they found him, he was just hours from death and laying next to another dead pig corpse. He had long-term pneumonia that left his airways so scarred that blood and mucus poured out of his nose and painful ulcers on his legs because he had been forced to live in his own filth. This caused his legs to unnaturally swell and left him unable to stand or walk. The next few days were filled with vet visits, feedings, medicines, and giving him love and affection. With his will to survive and our hard work, Jeremiah was walking within two weeks. When looking at him now, many would never guess that he had once been in this situation. Today, Jeremiah loves spending time with his brothers Duncan, Nugget, and Eddie. He enjoys rooting around the pasture, taking naps in the sun, and savoring juicy pineapples- his favorite treat!" Learn more

Indraloka Animal Sanctuary provides “heaven on earth” for farm animals that have nowhere else to turn. They inform, inspire, and empower the community, especially children, on ways in which we can better care for ourselves and the environment while helping animals in need. They advocate for a kind and compassionate diet that protects animals, the earth, and our own health. Since being founded in 2005, Indraloka has rescued and cared for over 1,000 animals through their natural lives, while placing thousands more in homes and sanctuaries.